My daughter and I attended a Ladies Spring Banquet last week. Masses of budding flowers cascading around a fountain greeting us at the entrance. Multiple tables were exquisitely set with colorful tableware that made me very happy spring is finally here! The meal was being prepared by a gourmet cook and I was excited. The speaker would have a message and I couldn’t wait to hear it. There was one tiny problem, though. I’d purchased two tickets online, but the organization had no record of such a purchase.
The coordinator apologized profusely and said they had extra seating so there was nothing to worry about. It was embarrassing. As we sat at a lone table in the back of the room without name tags, my daughter said, “Mom, didn’t you and Ginger get on a cruise to attend a ladies retreat and they said you didn’t have tickets, but you attended anyways?” “Yes,” I replied, “And remember the time you and I went to NYC to attend a formal Bridal Event Show and even though we had tickets, there was no show?” Jetts continued, “This is humbling, but I should be used to it by now!” We tried to hold back our laughter, but it was impossible.
For anyone who spends time with me, these types of things happen quite often. I’m used to it by now and know for sure it ALWAYS works out. God has my back and always will. He loves His kids and He makes provision for us on a daily basis. That’s just His nature. One day, when my life begins in Heaven, I will be perfect. But, until then, I depend on and greatly appreciate His abundant grace.
Jesus, thank You for sticking closer than a brother or sister. (Proverbs 18:24) Thank You for undeserved favor. Thank You for laughter! Thank You for helping me understand completely that there is no such thing as perfect on this planet. You don’t expect us to be perfect. You are interested in our hearts, motives, and authenticity. Amen.
You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought. Matthew 5:5 MSG