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Lisa's Jars of Joy

You're my favorite

I traveled to Canada last year for a weekend ladies retreat with Lundy Bancroft as the main speaker. Surprisingly, only about 18 women attended, so we had plenty of opportunities to bond and learn from each other.

The beautiful home where we spent the weekend was located on a large lake. All our meals were prepared to order by a local chef. This richly appointed home was built specifically for retreats and the rooms were set up with individual twin beds. My room had 6 women.

As I got ready for bed the first evening, I was praying and thanking God for this unusual opportunity. He whispered in my heart, “Lisa, you’re my favorite.” And then, the Holy Spirit continued, “And Monica is my favorite, and Laura is my favorite, and Barb is my favorite....Tell them the story of how I rescued you. Tell them I love them. Tell them they’re my favorite.”

As I lay in bed, quiet tears flowed onto the pillow as the Lord continued to minister to my heart. I asked, “How can we all be your favorite? Is that even possible?” And the still, small voice answered, “Yes, it’s possible. Because I’m God and you’re not. I love you. I died for you. I live for you.”

As I continued to trust and obey my heavenly Father, I watched Him work in my life and the lives of others that weekend in profound and powerful ways. His Holy Spirit was gently speaking truth and life into the hearts of the women. Many didn’t know Jesus personally, but He was right there, drawing them to Him. Planting seeds of His Love in their hearts and minds.

Heavenly Father, this Canadian retreat wasn’t even on my radar. You opened the doors through a series of God inspired circumstances. Thank You that I’m Your favorite. As are those who are reading this devotion! Whether they know You yet or not. You love them! You are always working to promote Your Kingdom here on earth as it already is in Heaven. Amen.

If a man has a hundred sheep, and one wanders away and is lost, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others and go out into the hills to search for the lost one? And if he finds it, he will rejoice over it more than over the ninety-nine others that are safe at home! Just so, it is not my Father’s will that even one of these little ones should perish. Matthew 18:12-14 Life Application Bible

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