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Sunrise Joy

Lisa's Jars of Joy

On a recent family vacation to the beach, my oldest granddaughter and I watched the sunrise on several mornings. The horizon would get pink and then a glimpse of orange could be seen coming up out of the ocean. The sun would continue to rise and turn into a big orange ball, heralding another very hot day.

Emmie got a big kick out of the whole experience. We sang songs and danced as the sun rose higher and higher in the sky. We thanked Jesus for another day and that the sun always comes up in the morning. Every day; without fail. (Ecclesiastes 1:5) After this morning routine, we’d head back inside to watch Peppa Pig while I made much needed coffee for myself and the rest of the family!

Lord Jesus, thank You for this season of life. It makes my heart sing in the midst of a crazy and rapidly changing world. Thank You for the sunrise and the sunset and the moon and stars and the planets! I worship You. Your Creation testifies to Who You are. I keep my eyes focused on You and everything else falls into place. I love You and I love Your Creation! Amen.

Praise Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all stars of light! Praise Him, highest heavens, And the waters that are above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the Lord, For He commanded and they were created. Psalm 148:3-5

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