“Lisa, I love you,” the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart. I was in an impossible
situation. But, that didn’t matter because God was bathing me in pure, unconditional,
and all-consuming Love. A Love indescribable in human language. He lovingly and
compassionately showed me what to do; one step at a time. I still can’t wrap my head
around all He’s done and is doing. I am a daughter of the King. His Love rescued and
restored me. His Love showed me Who He really was. His Love put the pieces of my
heart back together in a way that is indescribably beautiful. My eyes, ears, and heart
are open in ways that can only be ascribed to the Holy God of the universe.
“I love you with an everlasting Love, which flows out from the depths of eternity. Before
you were born, I knew you. Ponder the awesome mystery of a Love that encompasses
you from before birth to beyond the grave.” Young, S. (2013) Jesus Calling Thomas
Nelson Pub.
As we celebrate Christmas this crazy year of 2020, allow me to share the following
Good News:
“For a child has been born--for us! The gift of a Son--for us! He’ll take over the
running of the world. His Names will be: Amazing Counselor, Strong God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Wholeness. His ruling authority will grow, and there’ll be
no limits to the wholeness He brings.”
Isaiah 9:6-8 MSG
Father God, You are THE Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince
of Peace! You are trustworthy. You are faithful. You are just. Continue showing me
how You work, God, school me in Your ways. (Psalm 25:4) May Your Love
continue to set captives free. Where there is no way, You make a way. In Jesus’ Name,