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Lisa's Jars of Joy

Course He Isn't Safe

I love a guarantee. It’s comforting to be taught a set of rules, follow them closely, and then get rewarded. But, real life doesn’t always work out that way. Life has ups and downs, twists and turns. Sometimes, no matter how diligent a person is at following a set of rules and regulations, things don’t work out the way one thought they would. For a good example, read the book of Job. Life’s circumstances can crush the spirit and soul when we come to the end of everything we know to do and nothing works to solve the problem. In my favorite book series, The Chronicles of Narnia, the author, C.S. Lewis, represents Jesus Christ as Aslan the Lion. Lewis describes Aslan as the Lion and the Lamb, which is also how the Bible refers to God’s Son. In one passage, Susan asks Mrs. Beaver about Aslan. Mrs. Beaver responds: “Aslan is a lion- the Lion, the great Lion." "Ooh" said Susan. "I'd thought he was a man. Is he-quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion"..."Safe?" said Mr Beaver ..."Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you.” I clearly remember a time in my own journey when I was on my face before God crying out, “God, where are you? Why is this happening? I’ve served You my whole life and You were supposed to keep me safe!” The Holy Spirit asked me three questions that day. First, “Did I still trust Him?” Second, “Did I still believe He could do anything?” Third, “Wait for it.”

My answers that day were and still are, “yes, yes, and amen.” I’ve watched my heavenly Father fiercely protect, guard, and direct every step I take. During this journey, however, I keep finding out that even though He is a safe place to rest, He is definitely not safe in the way that we human beings would like. We want to be guaranteed that if we follow certain “rules”, then He will keep His end of the bargain. God doesn’t fit into this kind of box. He doesn’t always operate the way we think He could or should. He sees the whole picture, from beginning to end. He can and does whatever He wants; whenever and however He wants; to accomplish His will. He is so high above and beyond anything I can grasp with my beautiful, Creator given human mind. When I choose to follow His lead only, my soul and spirit flourish. God is good, and His goodness follows me all the days of my life. He has a plan, no matter what.

King Jesus, I worship You. Continue showing me the path I should choose. I will follow You to the ends of the earth and beyond. You’ve settled me down in a promising place. My kids will inherit the territory You’ve given me. Continue to confide in me the secrets that only You know. My eyes are laser focused on You. Thank You for rescuing me from the traps of my enemies. Amen. (Taken from Psalm 25: 12-14 MSG & NLT Paraphrased)

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