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  • Lisa's Jars of Joy

“Gigi, Did Jesus Toot?”

My granddaughter and I were on a walk towards a couple of remote cabins during exploration and adventure time. As we walked through a field, Emmie looked up and said, “Gigi, when Jesus was human, did He toot?” I asked her to repeat her question and yes, she asked it again. “Well, yes,” I replied, “I suppose He did honey. Since He had a human body, He would’ve had to toot.”

As she ran on ahead to chase some butterflies, I stifled my laughter. Out of the mouths of babes. You never know what a little one is thinking!

Of course, Emmie’s question got me thinking. It’s almost impossible to wrap my head around a God Who would humble Himself to be born as a human being to a common, average, teenage girl. He chose the least of us to bear the most High King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I cannot begin to fathom what He gave up to come visit us on this planet. I do not comprehend a Love like this. It’s Crazy Love. (Francis Chan)

There it was--the true Light [the genuine, perfect, steadfast Light] which, coming into the world, enlightens everyone. John 1:9 AMP

And then Word (Christ) became flesh, lived among us; and we [actually] saw His glory, glory as belongs to the [One and] only begotten Son of the Father, [the Son Who is truly unique, the only One of His kind, Who is] full of grace and truth. John 1:14 AMP

O God, the things little ones think about and say! I hesitated to write this devotion because You are God and I don’t want to disrespect You. But, the fact remains that You sent Your Son, Jesus, to this planet as a human being (fully God and fully human) to accomplish the task You sent Him to do. A baby boy Who grew up into a man and willingly died on a cross; becoming the Scapegoat for all human sin once and for all. Jesus then ROSE FROM THE DEAD, and ascended into heaven. All of this because You LOVE humans. Your Love wraps itself around us on this planet and then into heaven forever and ever and ever. O, that You would continue to draw people to You through the Holy Spirit. Amen.

humans. Your Love wraps itself around us on this planet and then into heaven forever and ever and ever. O, that You would continue to draw people to You through the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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