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Lisa's Jars of Joy

Freedom In Christ Jesus

This year, I’m journaling in a beautiful notebook my friend gave me for Christmas.

What makes this notebook special are two things.

First, each page has a personalized Bible verse at the bottom with my name inserted into it. For example, the page I’m currently writing on says, “Commit your work to the Lord, Lisa, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3

The second thing that makes this notebook remarkable is that my friend and I married the same man during different seasons in our lives. I never dreamed I’d call her friend and yet, God engineered our meeting and subsequent friendship.

The man we married wore a mask. What happened behind the closed doors of our marriages didn’t match up with how he portrayed himself to us in the beginning of our relationship and how he portrayed himself to the world.

But God was in the midst of the evil we experienced and He protected us in ways that only He can. What I do know for sure today is that Christ rescued and is restoring each of us in powerful and profound ways.

Jesus freed us from a horrible situation and we will continue to tell our story as the Lord leads. Our hearts desire is that other women who are dating or have already married someone who is a wolf in sheep’s clothing will recognize red flag behavior and take the necessary steps to be safe and eventually completely free from the bondage of intimate partner abuse.

Father, unless You build a house, they labor in vain who build it. Psalm 127:1 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your Throne; love and faithfulness go before You. Psalm 89:14 My former marriage was not something I wished to experience. I was so ashamed of the trauma I endured and the mistakes I made. And yet, “what was intended to harm me, God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done; the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20) Lord, You had my back all along and You still do! Thank You for freeing and healing both my friend and me. May You use our story for Your glory and honor as You set captives free. In Jesus‘ Name. Amen

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