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  • Lisa Smith

Authentic Self

Several years ago, I began a personal journey. I chose to purse a life of authenticity and freedom. This decision propelled me to look in the mirror. Scary for sure, because who really enjoys taking an honest look at themselves?

My preferred method of avoiding my “stuff” was to immerse myself in other people’s lives and problems. Trying to play ‘god’ so I could “help them.” It’s called co-dependency and is an unhealthy (and ungodly) way to live. As I walk this path of authenticity and transparency, it’s inevitable that I’ve lost some friends and family along the way. Even though this new reality can be painful, the courage and strength to be true to who I am as a daughter of Jesus Christ is worth every step.

Sarah J Roberts writes in her book, Don’t Settle for Safe: “When you start to find your true identity, people will still be looking for glimpses of the old you. Some will be unsuccessful; others will be content with learning the new and improved you. Have a memorial service for those who want to hold you to your mistakes and poor decisions. If that’s all they choose to see, then they shouldn’t be granted access to the blessing that is your journey. They aren’t evil. They’re broken. You don’t have to let them break you too, though. You don’t have to lose yourself trying to save them.”

Father God, much wisdom in these words. I choose today to continue this journey with You holding my hand. I choose to trust You for the next step. At times, I feel lonely, but know for sure I am not alone. Ever. Thank You. Amen.

For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13

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