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Stop and Smell the Roses

Lisa Smith

On a rainy spring morning, I wait inside a tire shop for my worn SUV tires to be replaced. Sitting on a blanket covered couch with ‘Maggie,’ the friendly pit bull, I notice cozy recliners scattered throughout the waiting room. A large hibiscus plant “gone wild” grows in front of a neon ‘Open’ sign. Behind me, a warm glowing light reveals several peeps clucking softly in their makeshift home. Next to the peeps stands a refrigerator inviting me to buy fresh eggs: $2.00/dozen. Henrietta, the hen, does her part while laying her daily egg under the checkout counter. This place smells like a man’s world; tires and oil and grease. I love it because it reminds me of my Grandpa Burkholder’s garage in Lake Harmony, Ohio. I’m comfortable and happy to sit in this shop; leafing through worn copies of Woman’s Day, Family Circle and Bon Apetit!

This quiet time is a gift as I enjoy my surroundings and relax. A Psalm comes to mind: He waters the earth to make it fertile. The rivers of God will not run dry! He prepares the earth for his people and sends them rich harvests of grain. He waters the furrows with abundant rain. Showers soften the earth, melting the clods and causing seeds to sprout across the land. Then He crowns it all with green, lush pastures in the wilderness; hillsides blossom with joy. Psalm 65:9-12

The rain softly falls as I’m ready to leave. Maggie is gazing out the open door at green budding trees and “Harp’s” chicken coop. Life doesn’t get much better than this!

Thank You, Father, for time to “stop and smell the roses.” Life can be hectic, but it’s important to focus on the Present with You. Thank You for the earth You created. It is truly beautiful. Also, please bless the family that changed my tires inside their warm and welcoming business. Amen.

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