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Lisa Smith

Time and Love

Our granddaughter Emmie is two months old. Since she lives 7 1/2 hours away, it takes a road trip to get there. But we make it work! I so look forward to seeing her every chance I get. Our daughter is thankful and said, “Mom, the best gift you can give her is your time and love.”

Jerry and Judy Schruer write in Creative Grandparenting: ‘Creative grandparents play several roles throughout the lives of their grandchildren. They are historians, mentors and role models, among other things. All of these roles are significant and important as grandparents seek to love and nurture a new generation.’

Father God, I’m thankful I can work from anywhere and have the ability to travel.! I’m thankful for the technology of FaceTime so I can share time with my family when not able to be there in person. Amen.

Grandchildren are the crown of grandparents and parents are the glory of their children. Proverbs 17:6

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