My sister-in-law laughed when she saw me using men’s deodorant while on vacation. I explained that one morning, I couldn’t find my own, so I reached for my husband’s instead. It actually worked better than my brand, so I’ve continued to use it. This doesn’t mean, though, that I’m trying to be masculine. I embrace my womanhood wholeheartedly!
He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them "Man" (or Adam) when they were created. Genesis 5:2
God called their name “Man” or “Adam”. He gave this name both to the man and the woman. Being at first one by nature, and afterwards one by marriage; it fit they should both have the same name, in token of their union. Adam and Eve, the one a male, the other a female; to show that one man and one woman only were to be joined together in marriage, and live as man and wife for the procreation of posterity. (Gill and Wesley Bible Expository) By giving them both one name, he notes the inseparable conjunction of man and wife. (Geneva Study Bible)
Father God, thank you for making me female here on earth. I enjoy my femininity and womanhood. I’m grateful for the ability to be a helper to my husband and bear children. I’m very thankful to be a wife and a mother, sister and friend. Thank you for the blueprint you’ve given women in the Bible. Help me (because I can only do it with Your help) to follow it closely so that I may glorify Your Name. Amen.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. Proverbs 30:30-31